Traditional production

An artisan product

The ham production process is one of the most traditional and natural processes in the food world. For this reason, each ham is produced using only the highest quality meat, together with sea salt, air and time. A lot of time.

  • Carving


    Every ham and shoulder is treated with the greatest care when it comes to carving. Here, we find the first critical point: the shape. The artisan cuts the rind putting into practice all his experience to leave the right amount of fat covering.

  • Salting


    Each ham will be covered in piles of sea salt, for approximately as many days as its weight in kilos, in a cold and humid environment. Here, the salt penetrates into the meat.

  • Drying


    Hung and at the mercy of the seasons. This is what happens during the first months of elaboration. From the cold and dry winter to the hot summer. The temperature and the humidity vary, ensuring that the ham dries gradually, preserving it from external agents.

  • Curing


    Darkness. Silence. Patience. The curing process is when the ham brings out the best of itself. Millions of reactions take place inside the meat, blending its features and producing a flavour and an aroma that are deep, complex and intense.

  • Enjoy


    This is the last stage of the process and the most important one. Ham is made to be enjoyed. Whether it is accompanied by a good wine or beer, in sandwiches or sliced. Visit the section “Carve and pair your ham” to get the most out of every slice.